Bars and restaurants have closed, your roommates are working from home, your significant other is driving you crazy and you have to quarantine for the next 4-6 weeks (or longer!).
And you can only watch so many TikToks before you realize that it is an endless blackhole designed to pacify you into submission.
This guide will walk you through the exact do’s and don’ts to designing a functional coliving space conducive to personal fulfillment, collaboration, and silly goose times.
How The Corona Camping System Drives Personal Fulfillment, Collaboration, and Silly Goose Times
The Corona Camping System is about taking lemons and turning them into motherfucking lemonade when you are being forced to self-quarantine by:
- Creating a SQAD — Social Quarantine Against Disease. This is your quarantine team over the next 4-6 weeks.
- Committing to a plan that engages you and your SQAD
It doesn’t matter if your SQAD is in-person or digital, if you live with your significant other, roommates, college friends, family, or someone who clips their toenails on the couch.
The principles are the same.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves :)
Seventeen Do’s and Don’ts for Coliving While Quarantined
- Do create a SQAD with clear rules and expectations.
- Don't break the SQAD. Commit to who is there and your culture.
- Do establish roles and responsibilities.
- Don't host events and don't go to events (unless they're virtual).
- Do host virtual events. Be a leader and support members of your community who may feel alone.
- Do ration. Take inventory of the minimum number of calories each person in your SQAD will need for at least a 2-week period.
- Don't hoard resources you don't need.
- Do budget. Consider how much you have vs. how much you need each month.
- Don't get a haircut. Let your locks flow.
- Don't spread clickbait that hasn't been properly vetted.
- Don't judge your SQAD for how they're feeling in the moment. Create a safe space. That said...
- Don't fuck up the vibe. When stressed or anxious, your entire SQAD can be affected. Keep calm, quarantine on.
- Do shared rituals. Morning routines, dinners, and emotional check-ins will bring you closer and make you wiser.
- Don't be an asshole. Stay at home and don't infect more vulnerable populations.
- Do be a silly goose. Make a camp name. Create a flag. Set up traditions. Write a song.
- Don't wait for the quarantine to be over to make the most of it.
- Do start a 30-day challenge. Meditate for 10 minutes a day, write a page a day, do 30 pushups a day. Get creative.
We're just getting started
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Talk to a human
Need help getting your Corona Camp up and running? Dealing with a roommate issue? Reach out!
Email counselors@coronacamp.org
We're here to help ❤️